Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Florida For Peace Endorses Oct 27th - Orlando

We've agreed to lend our endorsement and participation in UFPJ's Oct 27th national action to end the Occupation of Iraq taking place in eleven cities around the country.

See you in Orlando!


1 comment:

Lydia Vickers said...

Hey it's Lydia and Dave in Tallahassee, Florida. We am soooo looking forward to a good time and lots of peace at the Oct27 Action in Orlando this weekend. We're packing up our "pink" for the CODEPINK table and stage entertainment. We've got our Florida For Peace banner and brochures explaining our goal to find coordinators in every district in Florida. The energy on the "conflict resolution" call last night was great. We all know the GOE are coming to confront us and we decided that the best they should get is a peace sign. Not always so easy for me and my megaphone. Working on lots of chants to keep everyone happy. FFP is donating 10 cases of water. I'm speaking at the most awesome peace event in Florida in 30 years. Let's tell Florida we want to BRING THE TROOPS HOME NOW! Take care of them when they get here. Take care of their families while they are gone. STOP THE ENERGY OF THE WAR IN IRAN. Please stop into the Florida For Peace table just to say hi. Peace, Lydia